Can you make a map?
ESRI Canada Scholarship 2024
$2000 award + software & training • Deadline Tuesday, May 7, 2024 • Open to current UBC students
Esri Canada GIS Scholarship is open to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students at UBC. Successful applicant(s) will receive:
- one-time payment of $2,000
- three-year term license of ArcGIS for Student Use
- three-year Professional-level ArcGIS Developer Subscription (ADS)
- digital copies of select Esri Press Publications
- two instructor-led training courses offered by Esri Canada
- registration for one of Esri Canada’s User Conferences
- a personal and editable profile in the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship Web Portal
- eligibility to apply for the Esri Canada Associate GIS Professional Program in year of graduation
Each ESRI Scholarship applicant should provide 1) A poster demonstrating a project or research in which Esri technology was used. The poster submission should be creative, display an appropriate colour scheme and hold the dimensions of 24 inches wide by 36 inches high. You must include your name, the name of your department/faculty and an appropriate title. 2) A written report that is less than 1000 words or an ArcGIS StoryMap (preferable) or an app (include information about its purpose and use) that goes together with your poster expanding on the project.
You may find more details about the required formats are available here:
Submission deadline is on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.
To apply: